sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Eric Yahnker Beautiful/Decay Studio Visit

Eric Yahnker Beautiful/Decay Studio Visit from Beautiful/Decay Magazine on Vimeo.

El artista de Los Ángeles Eric Yahnker nos abrió las puertas de su estudio del centro von visualcreatures.com y beautifuldecay.com para dar nuestra visión a los lectores en su trabajo ingenioso, icónico que está revestido de influencias cultura pop y la deconstrucción de sus iconos. Eric habla de su cambio de carrera de periodismo con el arte, su desdén por la pintura, y su amor por Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, y Rodney Dangerfield.

Los Angeles artist Eric Yahnker opened the doors of his downtown studio to Beautiful/Decay and Visual Creatures to give our readers insight into his witty, iconic work that is layered with pop culture influences and the deconstruction of its icons. Eric discusses his career change from Journalism to art, his disdain for painting, and his love of Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, and Rodney Dangerfield.

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